Thandile Nopondo

Thandile Nopondo

I nearly gave up on life after I was the victim of a violent house robbery. The perpetrators tried to rape me and eventually shot me, leaving me badly wounded, causing me to be in a wheelchair for quite some time. With intense physiotherapy, I managed to eventually walk again, although I still suffer from severe pain spells. I did not allow this terrible ordeal to determine my future, and I was able to pass the national Matric exam whereafter I joined the Communiversity of South Africa programme.
I graduated from the Communiversity in December, 2021😊 I was accepted into a college programme to study engineering.
My passion in life is to became one of the select few female Civil Engineers in South Africa, and I will be studying Civil and Building Engineering starting in 2022. This will pave the way for me to actively be involved in creating a better South Africa by helping address the severe shortage of housing for the millions of South Africans that are forced to live in informal settlements as a result of socio-economic issues.

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