Robin Quinville

Robin Quinville

Robin Quinville spent more than 30 years as a U.S. diplomat, serving primarily in Europe.  Her postings included two multilateral organizations (the Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe and NATO) and bilateral postings to Cyprus (2000-2003), Bosnia (2004-2006), Greece (2006-2008), the United Kingdom (2009-2012) and three postings to Germany (1988-89; 2012-2015; 2018-2021). She also spent a year (2008-2009) in Baghdad, Iraq. In Washington, she directed the Office of Western European Affairs at the Department of State and spent a year as a Wilson Center State Department Fellow. Quinville’s last diplomatic assignment was as DCM and then Charge d’Affaires at the US Embassy in Berlin; she left the diplomatic service after returning to Washington in July 2021. Quinville then spent a semester as the Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of International Affairs at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York in the spring of 2022; she also taught for the Bush School of Government in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2022.  She joined the Wilson Center as Director of the Global Europe Program in May 2022.

A native of California, Quinville lives in Arlington, Virginia.

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