Pierre Esperance

Pierre Esperance

Executive Director of the National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH)
Profession: Sociologist
Nationality: Haitian
Languages: French, Creole, English
Distinction: Human Rights Award of the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince
For several years Pierre Espérance has been actively promoting and defending human rights and improving the living conditions of the most impoverished people. After serving as the coordinator of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) programme in Port-au-Prince, he worked in Manila with Philippino detainees.
Pierre Espérance began working with the National Human Rights Defence Network from its inception in 1995 in order to promote the rule of law in Haiti and help Haitians assert their rights. While studying sociology, he worked with the Platform of Haitian Human Rights
Organisations (POHDH) and became its treasurer in 1998.
To help overcome the problems of access to healthcare for people living in the slums around Port-au-Prince, he joined the Association for the Promotion of Integral Family Healthcare (APROSIFA) and has been Chairman of its Board of Directors since 2005.
In 2002, he received the human rights award of the United States Embassy. He was elected FIDH Secretary General in May 2013.

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