Biden’s Foreign Policy Challenge- Change or Continuity – Session 2 of 2 Western Hemisphere

Biden’s Foreign Policy Challenge- Change or Continuity – Session 2 of 2 Western Hemisphere

Biden’s Foreign Policy Challenge- Change or Continuity – Session 2 of 2 Western Hemisphere

The Biden administration has taken office with the intention of reversing or marking sharp changes from the foreign policy of its predecessor. Yet, how likely or even possible will that be?

In many respects, the world changed over the last four years just as the Trump administration imposed its different approach to American foreign policy. Some situations changed so radically that returning to previous policies may not work any more. In others, the different approach brought in by the Trump administration may be better suited to the challenge, even if the brusque manner in which it was introduced may have struck many as offensive or a gratuitous break with previous administrations.

The U.S. has also changed, and the domestic political landscape on which the Biden administration must operate imposes likely constraints on current and future policy. Abroad, friends and rivals must ask how durable the more traditional style of operation the Biden administration follows will be and what are the implications during and beyond this administration given the deep political divide in the U.S. As the shadow of Donald Trump looms large over America for the foreseeable future, even America’s allies must ask whether they can trust Washington as they once did.

This second of two panels is focused on the Western Hemisphere, i.e., the region stretching from Hudson Bay in the north to the southernmost tip of Tierra del Fuego. Speakers will discuss Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico and Central America, and Canada as well as much more.


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