2018 Program / Schedule

2018 Schedule

February 15-17, 2017
University of South Florida St. Petersburg
University Student Center

The conference will begin with the Keynote Address on February 20th at 6:30 PM. Panels will be February 21-23, 2018 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. All panels will be held in the USFSP University Student Center unless stated otherwise. If you are planning on attending, please take a moment to let us know by using our sign up form on our website. Complimentary parking available in the USFSP parking garage. We look forward to seeing you! If you have a topic that you would like to submit for consideration, please click here.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Topic Speakers Time
Keynote Address: American Foreign Policy: Challenges and Opportunities U.S. Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering; Introduced by Douglas L. McElhaney, U.S. Ambassador (ret.) 6:30 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Topic Moderator Speakers Time Location
Welcoming Remarks Martin Tadlock, Regional Chancellor of USF St. Petersburg; Rick Kriseman, Mayor of St. Petersburg; Diane Seligsohn, President of St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs 8:30 AM
Is the Iran nuclear treaty a model for dealing with North Korea? Maguire Pickering, Enos, Due 9:00 AM
Why pollsters fail to predict election outcomes. T.Edmonds Zogby, R. Neuman, Rakar, Heckman 9:00 AM
What on earth are U.S. troops doing in Africa? Anthony H. Cohen, Huddleston, Canavan, Jordan 10:20 AM
Should we foist our concepts of human rights on others? Roelofs Dowell, Kramer, Van Pelt, Ely-Raphel 10:20 AM
Update from Moscow: News and Analysis with Ilgiz Yanbukhtin. 10:25 AM HELD IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AUDITORIUM
Engaged citizens! Protect your democracy! Wallace Kramer, LaSister, Bouketo, Ely-Raphel 11:30 AM
Is health care a right or a commodity? Raguin Raguin, Roelofs, Ghimire-Aryal, Buma, Bewa 11:30 AM
Film: “The Reagan Legacy,” Screening and commentary with producer Tom Edmonds. 11:35 AM HELD IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AUDITORIUM
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital: Upsetting the apple cart? Mortimer Pickering, Jordan, Smith 2:00 PM
After Mugabe, Maduro, and the Castros: What comes next? Sattin Huddleston, Mantilla, Canavan, H.Cohen 2:00 PM
Student Career Forum: “So you want to work overseas? How to launch an international career.” (Diane Seligsohn, Trudy Bower, Marcia Cohen, Ray Gallon, and William Dowell) 2:05 PM HELD IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AUDITORIUM
Is this a watershed moment for relations between the sexes? Shore Van Pelt, Elmaleh, Shore, Maguire, Bouketo 3:10 PM
Can intelligence agencies protect us from terrorists? Benyon Anthony, Pierce, Hoskinson, J.Edmonds 3:10 PM
Book Talk: Ambassador Vickie Huddleston: Our Woman in Havana: A Diplomat’s Chronicle of America’s Long Struggle with Castro’s Cuba 3:15 PM HELD IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AUDITORIUM

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Topic Moderator Speakers Time Location
Are China and Russia today’s expansionist powers? Schaefer Pickering, Enos, Alexopoulos, J.Edmonds 9:00 AM
Trade, aid, or investment? Growth in the developing world. Paroo Jury, Benyon, Weiss 9:00 AM
Multimedia Presentation: “Griff Davis: Pioneering African-American Foreign Service Officer and Photojournalist.” Daughter Dorothy Davis tells his story. 9:05 AM HELD IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AUDITORIUM
Afghanistan and Iraq: Let’s declare victory and go home. Buma Berg, Fox, Marks, Due 10:20 AM
Arts Mecca: International cultural tourism in the Sunshine City. Sussingham Francis, Shepherd, Weymouth, Bridges 10:20 AM
Give Trump a grade on his foreign policy. Ely-Raphel Guerlain, Hoskinson, H. Cohen, Jordan 11:30 AM
How do we make our education systems more relevant? Rowen Tadlock, R. Neuman, LaPolla, S. Neuman, Rowen 11:30 AM
Syria, Assad, and the Russians: Should we make up? Jordan Jordan, Maguire, J.Edmonds, Guerlain 2:00 PM
How’d we get hooked? The opioid pandemic and what to do about it. Paroo Raguin, Sheehan,Tuite,Petersen, Bewa 2:00 PM
Book Talk: John Zogby, We are many, we are one: Neo-tribes and neo-analytics in twenty first century America. 2:05 PM HELD IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AUDITORIUM
Crimes against humanity: Whatever happened to never again? Radetsky Szczepinska, Bouketo, Setkic, Mortimer 3:10 PM
Cyberspace: Is the next war already under way? Maguire J.Edmonds, Hoskinson, Shemanski, Marks 3:10 PM

Friday, February 23, 2018

Topic Moderator Speakers Time Location
War vs. diplomacy: Which one, when? Guerlain Canavan, H. Cohen, Berg, Skinner 9:00 AM
Breaking news: “We interrupt this conference to bring you the latest….” Lakshmanan Dowell, Maguire, Zogby, Lakshmanan, Dlouhy 9:00 AM
What motivates humanitarian intervention? Dowell Raguin, Fox, Buma, Roelofs 10:20 AM
Brain Gain: Peace, Prosperity, and Other Virtues of Global Education Tadlock Baker, R. Neuman, Benchekroun, Gallon 10:20 AM
Can Europe shore up its fragmenting democracies and its faltering union? Gallon Mortimer, Benyon, Rakar, Gallon, Maguire 11:30 AM
NATO: How firm is the U.S. commitment? Skinner Geerdes, Skinner, Shemanski, Marks 11:30 AM
Is America still the “shining city on a hill?” Moral Beacon and Immigrant Dream? Davis Guerlain, Shore, Syed, T.Edmonds 2:00 PM
Trade barriers are good for business. Amblard Sondhi, Dowell, Benyon 2:00 PM
Rethinking Puerto Rico in the wake of Maria. Calo Irrizary, LaSister, Sago, Calo 3:10 PM
Is secular democracy headed for history’s dustbin? Syed Mortimer, Enos, Syed, Jordan 3:10 PM

International Careers

College students who are interested in international careers are cordially invited to the International Careers Luncheons shown below:

Topic Date Time
Luncheon 1 Feb 21st, 12:30 PM CIA
Luncheon 2 Feb 22nd, 12:30 PM State Department
Luncheon 3 Feb 23rd, 12:30 PM Peace Corps
College of Business Auditorium Feb 21st, 2:05 PM Student Career Forum: “So you want to work overseas?
How to launch an international career.”
(Speakers: Diane Seligsohn, Trudy Bower, Marcia Cohen,
Ray Gallon, and William Dowell)

Luncheon and recruiting presentations will be held in the small ballroom on the second floor of the USFSP Student Center. Food and seating are limited, but we will accommodate as many students as possible.

We'll be back in a bit!

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