Saundra Amrhein

Saundra Amrhein

Saundra Amrhein has been a print journalist for more than 30 years – including a decade at the Tampa Bay Times – spending much of her career covering local government as well as immigration, Cuba, asylum and refugee issues. During her years as a journalist, she has reported from Honduras and Cuba. As a freelance writer, she has contributed to outlets such as Thomson Reuters, Politico Magazine and the Washington Post. With a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a master’s degree in Latin American & Caribbean Studies from the University of South Florida, she is the author of Green Card Stories, a 2012 award-winning book that depicts the dramatic journeys of 50 recent U.S. immigrants. More recently she has been an independent contractor for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune writing about the housing crisis. Saundra is currently completing her second book – a work of narrative nonfiction that combines more than 20 years of her research on Cuba and for which she was a 2016-17 recipient of the Public Scholar Award from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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