Justin Schon
Dr. Justin Schon is a Senior Research Analyst at AidData, a reasearch laboratroy at the College of William and Mary.
His research explores the dynamics of human migration, specifically: 1) Whether, when, where, and how people move; and 2) Intersections with armed conflict, climate change, public health, and development.
His book, Surviving the War in Syria: Survival Strategies in a Time of Conflict (Cambridge University Press, 2020) examines civilian survival strategies during conflict with a focus on the Syrian civil war. His peer-reviewed articles are published or forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies, Environmental Research Letters, Political Geography (x2), Journal of Refugee Studies, Civil Wars, International Interactions, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Social Structure, Perspectives on Politics, Oxford Research Encyclopedia, PLOS ONE, and Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict.
Dr. Schon’s public scholarship includes contributions to a special issue of Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS), essays on coronavirus in the Middle East, an invited perspective for the Department of Defense’s Strategic Multilayer Assessment program, and an essay in the Migration Policy Institute’s Migration Information Source. He has also written for The Conversation, Wilson Center’s New Security Beat, The Washington Post’s The Monkey Cage, Political Violence @ a Glance, OECD’s Development Matters, Duck of Minerva, and Syria Comment.
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